Organic Spices: Cohere Spice Bowl
Dealing with any Food Product requires strict adherence to hygiene and safety norms as any mistake can cause bring serious threats to human lives. The spices are also not different from other food products. Cares require from the field itself while sowing seeds. COHERE provides spices Clean, high in Quality, and free from any Harmful substances. We deal with selective spices, like BLACK CARDAMOM (Large Cardamom), TURMERIC, GINGER, and ORGANIC SPICES.

Organic is a philosophy.
This isn’t just about food. Organic is a vision for working and living in harmony with nature. The healthy soil grows healthy plants, and gives healthy produce to make people healthy… this is the Organic way of living life. By abstaining from synthetic inputs and encouraging natural systems, organic farmers help create a better future for people, animals, and the environment.
The key difference between organic and conventional farming is that conventional farming relies on chemical intervention to fight pests and weeds and provide plant nutrition. That means synthetic pesticides, herbicides, and fertilizers. Organic farming trust natural principles like biodiversity and composting instead to produce healthy, abundant food.
Importantly, Organic production is not simply the avoidance of conventional chemical inputs, nor is it the substitution of natural inputs for synthetic ones. Organic farmers apply techniques first used thousands of years ago, such as crop rotations and the use of composted animal manures and green manure crops, in ways that are economically sustainable in today’s world. In organic, empathy for health remains a priority. It also requires the interaction of management practices as a primary concern. These producers implement a wide range of strategies to develop and maintain biological diversity and replenish soil fertility” (USDA, 2007). Whatever you’re buying – from cotton buds to carrots – when you choose organic food, drink, or beauty and textiles, you choose products that promote a better world. Organic food comes from trusted sources. The rules are very stringent in Organic farming. The licensing bodies inspect the organic farms and food companies at regular intervals.
North East Regions: Marching towards 100% ORGANIC
Some states in the North Eastern region of India have started discouraging conventional farming by using chemical fertilizers and pesticides. The Spice Board of India under the Commerce and Industry Ministry is now encouraging farmers to promote Organic spices in this region. Even the Government of India is giving thrust on rapid and sustainable development of the region. Since Farmers don’t use any pesticides and fertilizers in their fields, hence spices they grow are all ORGANIC by default. Moreover, the quality of the product is very high and has large export potential.
In other parts of India, we have to check whether spices are of high quality before exporting. The only place where we can blindly accept the spices for export is in the North East. Because it is of outstanding quality.… A. Jayathilak, Chairman Spice Board
Black or Large Cardamom, Ginger, Turmeric, Chillies, and Black Pepper are among the important spices growing in the North East States. Large Cardamom mainly grows in Sikkim, Arunachal Pradesh, and hilly areas of Darjeeling, West Bengal. Assam, Meghalaya, Tripura, Nagaland, and Mizoram is the place for Black Pepper. Similarly Ginger, Turmeric, and Chillies grow everywhere in North East. North East also is another destination for a few exotic spices. The “Nadia” Ginger“, “Lakadong/ Megha Turmeric“, and “Bird’s Eye chili“, are a few names of exotic spices from this region. “Nadia Ginger” is famous for the least fiber, “Lakadong/ Megha Turmeric” has the highest curcumin percentage and received a GI tag, and “Bird’s Eye Chilli” definitely will bring tears to your eyes for its high pungency.
These are magical and mystical spices, which COHERE can deal with.
Turmeric (Organic) | Majorly from SIKKIM & WEST BENGAL |
Turmeric is an extremely common ingredient used in almost all Indian kitchens. Thanks to its medicinal properties. In the Hindu religion for every Great moment, they use this herb as part of their Puja (worship) ingredients. Organic Turmeric has enriched even further thanks to the Government’s initiative, particularly in Sikkim for encouraging farmers to grow it organically. One of the major producers from the state of Sikkim; turmeric is used in many forms in the daily routine. Organic turmeric enhances the benefits of regular turmeric with chemical-free growth leading to no side effects. We source it from this region either directly from the farm or through the Government aided bodies only. Turmeric Products
Lakadong Turmeric | Niche variety from Jaintia Hills, Meghalaya |
Lakadong turmeric is one of many turmeric varieties found in India. it is indigenous to the state of Meghalaya and grows in a small region of Jaintia Hills only. It is widely known for its high curcumin content of up to 5 to 9% and its color is dark rich orange with a penetrating flavor. Curcumin is an active ingredient found in turmeric and gives turmeric its medicinal properties and its bright yellow color. This makes Lakadong turmeric highly sought for its high curcumin content and premium quality. Probably the curcumin content in this variety is highest than in any other varieties available in India and worldwide. In the world, maybe at some point in time, this turmeric variety qualifies in the Geographic Indicator list of India. A Brief History behind the Name of Lakadong TurmericLong before Lakadong turmeric got its name, the golden-yellow spice used to be known as ‘Shangpung Turmeric’. Shangpung was among the most developed village and was a market hub. Farmers from different villages come to this market to sell their produces and they brought their turmeric along to be grounded, packed, and dispatched there. Hence, the name ‘Shangpung Turmeric’. Then eventually, farmers of Lakadong village realized the importance of the spice and started growing them in their gardens and everywhere in the village making them popularly known as Lakadong Chyrmit (turmeric). ‘Chyrmit’ is a local Pnar (Jaintia) word for Turmeric. Lakadong Turmeric- the Miracle SpiceUsed for generations for multiple medicinal purposes, high curcumin Lakadong turmeric is bright yellowish orange in color, fresh with strong earthy and subtly flavor filled with a pleasant fruity aroma that makes it one of the finest turmeric in the world and health watchers’ favorite. We source it from this region either directly from the farm or through the Government aided bodies only. Lakadong Turmeric Products
Organic Ginger | Majorly from WEST BENGAL, SIKKIM and Other States of North East |
Ginger is a Root of the rhizome. The plant is cultivated in different parts of the Hills & Valley of the Northeast. It is a popular spice and herb. The whole of Asia, South Africa, Europe and America use Ginger root as herbal traditions. Ginger is very beneficial in digestion and treats stomach upset, diarrhea, and nausea most effectively. In arthritis, colic, and heart ailment this herb acts as a boon. The dried Ginger and chopped root lend a warm, pungent flavor to soups, stews, and tea blends. The dried root is also used to produce liquid extracts and tinctures. Benefits of Human Body: Adding in digestion, Treating nausea and vomiting, Respiratory relief, Relieve headache. Ginger Products:
Organic Black/Large Cardamom | From WEST BENGAL and SIKKIM |
Black Cardamom are one of the oldest spices in the world dating back to more than 4000 years. Although originated in India it has been used and has been found in many ancient civilizations. From preventing digestive problems to cancer, the use of Cardamom has been associated with reducing several health issues and problems. Organic cardamom enhances the benefits of regular turmeric with chemical-free growth leading to no side effects. Benefits of Black Cardamom for Health:
We deal in organic dried Black Cardamom. |

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