Product Basket for RICE, TEA and SPICES

Northeast Region: your best cup of Tea comes from this Region only

The Northeast region of India is the land of natural wonders. With the unexplored hills, valleys, forests, wildlife, and mountains, this region is the best for its scenic beauties. It is also the place for perennial experiences, from spotting living root bridges to capturing the beautiful red panda. The rich greenery and natural surroundings prevailing all over the region are the home of many old tea plantation estates. The famous Assam Tea and Darjeeling Tea come from this region only. Teas grown in this region are the best in terms of aroma, boldness, and quality, and are the best in the World. 

Northeast Region: Home of the Exotic and Rare Spices 

Not only Tea but this region also grows many exotic Spices. The world’s best quality BLACK CARDAMOM, GINGER, and LAKADONG TURMERIC grows here only. Also, some Exotic and rare variety CHILLIs grow in this region.   

COHERE knows the region very well and therefore the TEAs and SPICES. We PROCURE the produce straight from the Garden fresh and process it in our state-of-the-art processing unit to fit every requirement. COHERE export premium quality products that match international standards. Our quality analysts conduct stringent quality control measures to ensure the durability of the produce. We check the quality of the product on various parameters at every stage of production. Our Product range is wide. We have the technology and know-how to process products as per specifications of our clients. Our ability and commitment to deliver large volumes within a stipulated time frame is the major binding force in developing strong business alliances and relationships with many reputed buyers across domestic and international markets.


Rice is another important commodity that is being traded widely in International Market. The Rice Trade is majorly segregated into Two Major Categories, Basmati & non-Basmati. Basmati rice is long grain aromatic rice grown long back in the specific geographical areas of the Himalayan foothills of the Indian sub-continent. Basmati rice is blessed with characteristics of extra-long slender grain, soft and fluffy texture upon cooking, delicious taste, and distinct flavor. In India, Basmati Rice is cultivated in the states of J & K, Himachal Pradesh, Punjab, Haryana, Delhi, Uttarakhand, and western Uttar Pradesh. 

India also produces a wide variety of Non-Basmati rice. Recently the country has witnessed tremendous growth in the export of non-Basmati rice. The export value in this category has jumped to USD 6115 million in FY 2021-22 from a mere USD 2925 million in FY 2013-14. The major rice-producing states are West Bengal, Uttar Pradesh, Punjab, Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Bihar, Chhattisgarh, Odisha, Assam, and Haryana.

Cohere Export Basmati, non-Basmati & Specialty rice, Tea, and Spices to many countries. We also have a dedicated team to serve you as a Sourcing Partner in India for all your requirement. 

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